a project

Global options

The Caddyfile has a way for you to specify options that apply globally. Some options act as default values, while others customize the behavior of the Caddyfile adapter.

The very top of your Caddyfile can be a global options block. This is a block that has no keys:


There can only be one at most, and it must be the first block of the Caddyfile.

Possible options are:

	# General Options
	http_port  <port>
	https_port <port>
	order <dir1> first|last|[before|after <dir2>]
	storage <module_name> {
	storage_clean_interval <duration>
	admin   off|<addr> {
		origins <origins...>
	log [name] {
		output  <writer_module> ...
		format  <encoder_module> ...
		level   <level>
		include <namespaces...>
		exclude <namespaces...>
	grace_period <duration>

	# TLS Options
	auto_https off|disable_redirects|ignore_loaded_certs
	email <yours>
	default_sni <name>
	acme_ca <directory_url>
	acme_ca_root <pem_file>
	acme_eab <key_id> <mac_key>
	acme_dns <provider> ...
	on_demand_tls {
		ask      <endpoint>
		interval <duration>
		burst    <n>
	key_type ed25519|p256|p384|rsa2048|rsa4096
	cert_issuer <name> ...
	ocsp_stapling off
	preferred_chains [smallest] {
		root_common_name <common_names...>
		any_common_name  <common_names...>

	# Server Options
	servers [<listener_address>] {
		listener_wrappers {
		timeouts {
			read_body   <duration>
			read_header <duration>
			write       <duration>
			idle        <duration>
		max_header_size <size>
		protocol {

General Options


Enables debug mode, which sets all log levels to debug (unless otherwise specified).


The port for the server to use for HTTP. For internal use only; does not change the HTTP port for clients. Default: 80


The port for the server to use for HTTPS. For internal use only; does not change the HTTPS port for clients. Default: 443


Sets or changes the standard order of HTTP handler directive(s). Can set directives to be first or last, or before or after another directive.


Configures Caddy's storage mechanism. The default is file_system. There are many other available storage modules provided as plugins.


How often to scan storage units for old or expired assets and remove them. These scans exert lots of reads (and list operations) on the storage module, so choose a longer interval for large deployments. The value is a duration value. Default: 24h.

Storage will always be cleaned when the process first starts. Then, a new cleaning will be started this duration after the previous cleaning started if the previous cleaning finished in less than half the time of this interval (otherwise next start will be skipped).


Customizes the admin API endpoint. If off, then the admin endpoint will be disabled. If disabled, config changes will be impossible without stopping and starting the server.

  • origins configures the list of remotes/origins that are allowed to connect to the endpoint.

  • enforce_origin enables enforcement of the Origin header. (This is different from enforcing origins generally, which is always done.)


Customizes the named logger. The name can be passed to indicate a specific logger to customize the behavior for. If no name is specified, the behavior of the default logger is modified. This option can be specified multiple times to configure different loggers. You can read more about the default logger and other logging behaviors in the logging documentation.

  • output configures where to write the logs. See the log directive documentation for more information, which has the same structure.
  • format describes how to encode, or format, the logs. See the log directive documentation for more information, which has the same structure.
  • level is the minimum entry level to log. Default: INFO
  • include identifies the loggers that are included in this log configuration. See the JSON documentation for more information.
  • exclude identifies the loggers that are excluded from this log configuration. See the JSON documentation for more information.

Defines the grace period for shutting down HTTP servers during config reloads. If clients do not finish their requests within the grace period, the server will be forcefully terminated to allow the reload to complete and free up resources.

TLS Options


Configure automatic HTTPS. It can be disabled entirely (off), disable only HTTP-to-HTTPS redirects (disable_redirects), or be configured to automate certificates even for names which appear on manually-loaded certificates (ignore_loaded_certs). See the Automatic HTTPS page for more details.


Your email address. Mainly used when creating an ACME account with your CA, and is highly recommended in case there are problems with your certificates.


Sets a default TLS ServerName for when clients do not use SNI in their ClientHello.


Causes all certificates to be issued internally by default, rather than through a (public) ACME CA such as Let's Encrypt. This is useful in development environments.


Skips the attempts to install the local CA's root into the system trust store, as well as into Java and Mozilla Firefox trust stores.


Specifies the URL to the ACME CA's directory. It is strongly recommended to set this to Let's Encrypt's staging endpoint for testing or development. Default: ZeroSSL and Let's Encrypt's production endpoints.


Specifies a PEM file that contains a trusted root certificate for ACME CA endpoints, if not in the system trust store.


Specifies an External Account Binding to use for all ACME transactions.


Configures the ACME DNS challenge provider to use for all ACME transactions. The tokens following the name of the provider set up the provider the same as if specified in the tls directive's acme issuer.


Configures On-Demand TLS where it is enabled, but does not enable it (to enable it, use the on_demand tls subdirective). Highly recommended if using in production environments, to prevent abuse.

  • ask will cause Caddy to make an HTTP request to the given URL with a query string of ?domain= containing the value of the domain name. If the endpoint returns 200 OK, Caddy will be authorized to obtain a certificate for that name.

  • interval and burst allows <n> certificate operations within <duration> interval.


Specifies the type of key to generate for TLS certificates; only change this if you have a specific need to customize it.


Defines the issuer (or source) of TLS certificates. The tokens following the name of the issuer set up the issuer the same as if specified in the tls directive. May be repeated if you wish to configure more than one issuer to try. They will be tried in the order they are defined.


Can be set to off to disable OCSP stapling. Useful in environments where responders are not reachable due to firewalls.


If your CA provides multiple certificate chains, you can use this option to specify which chain Caddy should prefer. Set one of the following options:

  • smallest will tell Caddy to prefer chains with the fewest amount of bytes.
  • root_common_name is a list of one or more common names; Caddy will choose the first chain that has a root that matches with at least one of the specified common names.
  • any_common_name is a list of one or more common names; Caddy will choose the first chain that has an issuer that matches with at least one of the specified common names.

Note! Specifying preferred_chains as a global option will affect all issuers if there isn't any overriding issuer level config.

Server Options

Customizes HTTP servers with settings that potentially span multiple sites and thus can't be rightly configured in site blocks. These options affect the listener/socket, or other behavior beneath the HTTP layer.

Can be specified more than once, with different listener_address values, to configure different options per server. For example, servers :443 will only apply to the server that is bound to the listener address :443. Omitting the listener address will apply the options to any remaining server.

For example, to configure different options for the servers on port :80 and :443, you would specify two servers blocks:

	servers :443 {
		protocol {

	servers :80 {
		protocol {

Allows configuring listener wrappers, which can modify the behaviour of the base listener. They are applied in the given order.

There is a special no-op tls listener wrapper provided as a standard module which marks where TLS should be handled in the chain of listener wrappers. It should only be used if another listener wrapper must be placed in front of the TLS handshake.

For example, assuming you have the proxy_protocol plugin installed:

listener_wrappers {
	proxy_protocol {
		timeout 2s
  • read_body is a duration value that sets how long to allow a read from a client's upload. Setting this to a short, non-zero value can mitigate slowloris attacks, but may also affect legitimately slow clients. Defaults to no timeout.

  • read_header is a duration value that sets how long to allow a read from a client's request headers. Defaults to no timeout.

  • write is a duration value that sets how long to allow a write to a client. Note that setting this to a small value when serving large files may negatively affect legitimately slow clients. Defaults to no timeout.

  • idle is a duration value that sets the maximum time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled. Defaults to 5 minutes to help avoid resource exhaustion.


The maximum size to parse from a client's HTTP request headers. It accepts all formats supported by go-humanize.

  • allow_h2c enables H2C ("Cleartext HTTP/2" or "H2 over TCP") support, which will serve HTTP/2 over plaintext TCP connections if a client support it. Because this is not implemented by the Go standard library, using H2C is incompatible with most of the other options for this server. Do not enable this only to achieve maximum client compatibility. In practice, very few clients implement H2C, and even fewer require it. This setting applies only to unencrypted HTTP listeners. ⚠️ Experimental feature; subject to change or removal.

  • experimental_http3 enables experimental draft HTTP/3 support. Note that HTTP/3 is not a finished spec and client support is extremely limited. This option will go away in the future. This option is not subject to compatibility promises.

  • strict_sni_host require that a request's Host header matches the value of the ServerName sent by the client's TLS ClientHello; often a necessary safeguard when using TLS client authentication.